Sabbat Commandments


The First Commandment: The Legacy

   Thy blood is that of Caine, cursed by God and blessed by Lilith. To seek to change your state or to return to that of your mortal life is a sin against thy Father and Mother, and against thy God.

The Second Commandment: Honor

    Never forget your Sire's Sire, Caine the Wanderer. Honor always your Sire. Honor another's Progeny.

The Third Commandment: Progeny

    Thou shalt only sire another with the permission of thy elder. If thou createst another without thine elder's leave, both thou and thy progeny shall be slain. Thou shalt not Embrace Love. Thou shalt not feed of the Moon-Beasts, the Wild Ones, the diseased, the insane, or the drunken.

The Fourth Commandment: Accounting

    Those thou create are thine own childer. Until thy progeny shall be released, thou shalt command them in all things. Their sins are thine to endure. Thou shalt teach your Progeny the ways of the Kindred.

The Fifth Commandment: Domain

Thy domain is thine own concern. All others owe thee respect while in it. None may challenge thy word while in thy domain. When thou comest to the fief of another, thou shalt present thyself to the one who ruleth there. Thou shalt honor each other's House. Thou shalt honor each other's Domain.

The Sixth Commandment: Hospitality

    To your Brothers and Sisters, always give hospitality. To your Sire's Brothers and Sisters, always give the best part of your house, to your Progeny's Brothers and Sisters give a roof from the Sun and the blood of a sheep, no more.

The Seventh Commandment: The Guarding of Secrets

    Thou shalt accept Final Death over the revelation of the sect's mysteries, secrets, and activities to any outside of the sect.